Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome to the Everyday Christian Mom Blog!

Hello World (that's how most default blog posts start isn't it?)

My name is Amber Vlangas and I am a Christian mom of three beautiful children; Timothy age 11, Deborah age 8, and Lilliana age 3. I am also wife to a wonderful Navy Musician, Christopher. In my professional life I am a marketing, management, public relations, and design consultant to nonprofit organizations.

The idea for this blog was born during a recent quiet time that I had. As I spent time in prayer and yearned to understand what the Lord was leading me to do, I felt led to share my experiences as a regular old Everyday Christian Mom with other moms that may be going through the same things as I am. If you are looking for advice from the fictional supermom that has the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect hair, and never makes a mistake; then you may not want to stop here. I am just a regular mom that has a hard time getting everyone out of the house, has crackers in the bottom of my purse and wonders when the laundry will ever be done! If you are looking for some inspiration from a regular old mom that God decided use for His wonderful purpose, then you are in the right spot!

Recently, God has revealed to me how everyday occurrences, situations, and trials are filled with small treasures of knowledge and blessings that can lead us to understand how good He really is. As a mom, I find that my children constantly remind me of His greatness, I am in awe of the things that I learn from them (even when they make me want to tear my hair out!)

I hope that anyone that comes in contact with this blog will learn, laugh and relate to the entries that I make. It is my sincere prayer that the Lord will use me to minister to women out there that are seeking and relying on Him as they navigate the wonderful and unpredictable waters of motherhood just as I am doing!


Daisy said...

Welcome to Bloggy world! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see where God leads you next, Boo. How your family's everyday moments remind you of God's teachings.

You know what your blog concept reminds me of? All those days (and nights) Mama spent at the table reading and studying God's word and how whenever we had a life question, she was able to make the biblical connections that we would have missed.

I love you and miss you tons, Boo. Truly I do!


beentheremama said...

This is so awesome! It is great to have imput from Mothers young and old. All of us have learned little tools to managing our home life and finding time for prayer and reading Gods word.
We all need to dicuss our feelings and frustrations, as well as our happy times with those who will really understand.
God Bless You Amber for being obedient to the Lord. I look forward to reading each and every response. Shalom Shalom

Heidi @ ABCJLM said...

Hello Amber - It is nice to meet you. I appreciate you introducing yourself on my free preschool Bible curriculum website - I look forward to getting to know you more. Please let me know how we can make a website that is even more perfect for your family!!

Anonymous said...

well sweetheart I am in awe of the diamond you have grown into. I know the days you are speaking of. You watched me live them and babysat for me through them. But they are grown now. Daniel is even married now!lol And he turned out quite nicely. I am so glad Charity contacted me. I am thrilled to see where my two favorite ladies are today! What a blessing. I am teaching students again...and have been for about 7 years now..I also lead worship. I am on year 20 at the church now.ouch that makes me really old.

Teresa Disch

Unknown said...

Thanks to all that have been so encouraging! I am excited to let the Lord work through me.

Teresa, I am so glad to hear from you! Send me an e-mail sometime! As a wonderful youth leader, God really used you to shape the person that I am today. Your faith inspired me during some very difficult times in my life. I remember those great times we all had at SUPERWOW! I know that the students you currently work with will feel the same as they mature! Don't think of yourself as old, just think of yourself as "experienced", with so much more to share. Give my best to the family!
